
Proiseact nan Ealan

  • CC Het Perron, Ypres
  • theatre show


Thanks to a cooperative venture with Proiseact nan Ealan (the Gaelic Arts Agency), the In Flanders Fields Museum is able to bring a unique example of Scottish Gaelic culture to Ypres: the theatre play Sequamur. This will be the only performance on the European mainland following a successful tour in Scotland and its inclusion on the Edinburgh Fringe Festival programme, and performances in Dublin and in London.

Sequamur tells the true story of William Gibson, an inspiring teacher from Stornoway, the main town in Scotland's Isle of Lewis. As a result of his influence, many people left to go to war in 1914 but the stories they brought back home with them brougt Gibson face to face with the meaning and meiningless of war. The plays is performed in Scottish Gaelic, which is still the main language in the Outer Hebrides. There will be a simultaneous translation into Dutch. Other interesting features are the use of film images and the music especially composed for the play. The performance lasts about 45 minutes.

It is probably true to say that nowhere else in the United Kingdom, the impact of the First World War was as important as at the Outer Hebrides. The Isle of Lewis, the largest island of the archipelago, saw roughly half of the male population set off for war. One in six never returned. The loss of so many men seriously affected the economic resilience of the islands and dealt Gaelic culture a blow from which is has never completely recovered.

4 September 2015 om 8.30pm
C.C. Het Perron, Ieper
free admission